Customer Testimonials

Norberto Bolzón

Naturalist Photographer - Falklands War Veteran. Bs.As. - Argentina.
" In this sense it has been a great experience, this trip through Paraguay, worthy of being repeated one day, taking into account that this country is a great destination for Birdwatchers".

TESTIMONY OF THE TRIP TO PARAGUAY from July 08 to 15, 2017.

With the Coordinator Horacio Matarazzo, a group of six Argentine friends, nature lovers, birdwatchers and photographers, we made a trip through the interior of Paraguay, fulfilling a route of more than 2,500 kilometers. We were received by the host and Local Guide Mr. Oscar Leandro Rodríguez Scelza and accompanied throughout the journey by Mr. Carlos Valiente, Producer and Conductor of the SNT AL NATURAL Program.

We have explored the Cerrado, a biogeographic region that is not in Argentina, of a unique and impressive beauty, as well as, the Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve, an area that preserves the largest Inner Atlantic Forest of Paraguay. Of the birds observed, which has this sector, species that are less frequent on the Argentine side, it is worth mentioning the Bell Bird - Procnias nudicollis - National Bird of Paraguay. From the long list of bird watching, important to us, has been the Blue Macaw - Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus - extinct in our country and the rare Cock-tailed Tyrant - Alectrurus tricolor.

A special emotion for me, was to observe for the first time and photograph the Picoagudo - Oxyruncus cristatus. In this sense it has been a great experience, this trip through Paraguay, worthy of being repeated one day, taking into account that this country is a great destination for Birdwatchers. Throughout the tour we have spent the night in Field Accommodations and Stays, adapted for tourist purposes. I must express the excellent friendly and warm attention of its staff, as well as taste the local gastronomic specialties.

I would like to thank Oscar Rodríguez, especially, for his tireless dedication in guiding and always showing us the best, as well as Carlos Valiente for documenting the experience of our tour. Thank you.

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