Customer Testimonials

Craig Swolgaard

Professor of Biology. Georgetown, California - USA.
"Our guide Oscar Rodriguez is not only an incredible ornithologist, but a conservationist as well, and has an uncanny ability to find target birds. He makes birding fun".

“Paraguay really impressed me with the diversity of birdlife it has, and wildlife in general, due to the country’s geographic position in South America.  It is a delightful country with a lot of heart and it always holds surprises.  Our guide Oscar Rodriguez is not only an incredible ornithologist, but a conservationist as well, and has an uncanny ability to find target birds.  He makes birding fun.  His years of experience has paid off for those birders who hire him as guide.  He is well connected with other biologists in Paraguay, as well as landowners, which open the door for consistently successful forays into the variety of habitats that Paraguay has."

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