Customer Testimonials

Maaret Noreen and Ben Backer

Colon, Germany - Indiana, USA.
"Initially we came to see mammals, however thanks to his passion and education we ended up falling in love with so much more different types of flora and fauna"

"We had an amazing experience with Oscar and his 5 day Chaco tour.From the beginning onward the communication was easy, transparent and informative. We could tell him our preferences and during the entire trip he made sure we had the highest chances to see the wildlife we wanted to see. Initially we came to see mammals, however thanks to his passion and education we ended up falling in love with so much more different types of flora and fauna. Oscar additionally gave us so much insight into the bigger picture of the history and geology of his beautiful country. He patiently answered all our questions and left us more informed about the whole environment. The places we could stay at to rest and watch the animals were perfect for what we wanted to see and we had an immersive experience in the desert. While doing this he was so careful and respectful with nature and always put nature's health first. At the same time he was always concerned that we had a good time, made sure we had enough resting breaks and delicious food to be energized for more animal watching. We enjoyed every minute with Oscar and his tour and we couldn't believe how fast five days went by. Not only were we able to see beautiful nature and animals but also felt like having met a new friend. Everyone who can join one of his tours can consider themselves lucky. Thanks, Oscar, for everything"

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