Customer Testimonials

Marcelo Gavensky

Owner and Tour Leader of Birding Buenos Aires and Birds Argentina. - Argentina.
"He has all the logistics perfectly organized, fully equiped with great vehicle and birding gear and the knowledge that only an experienced local guide can provide".

"I hired Oscar's services to visit Mbaracayú reserve, in north-east Paraguay. He has all the logistics perfectly organized, fully equiped with great vehicle and birding gear and the knowledge that only an experienced local guide can provide. He picked us up in Iguazu (Argentina) from where we drove a few hours until we got to the reserve, making a birding stop along the way. Mbaracayu was excellent, and we stayed in the well managed lodge inside the reserve. We saw all the target species we wanted, including the rare White-winged Nightjar, and one of the very few recent records of Black-fronted Piping-guan in Paraguay, and we learnt about the place's history and the local people, thanks to the deep knowledge that Oscar has. I won't hesitate in using his services whenever I go back to Paraguay".

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