Customer Testimonials

Tui Couch & Colleen Boreham

Sydney – Australia.
"Oscar was a superb bird spotter, very easy going, always ready to smile & a wealth of information".

“Both Colleen & self would like to let you know what a wonderful time we had in Paraguay thanks to Oscar. It was a pleasure to spend the 12 days not only traveling with them in the 4WD, but out & about birding & also sharing our meals together.

Oscar was a superb bird spotter, very easy going, always ready to smile & a wealth of information.

The persistent rain completely washed away our itinerary but Oscar always managed to find alternate options & despite the weather we saw over 200 species of birds. Given the circumstances they were always positive & the changes actually offered a greater variety of places. They always planned the day to maximise our bird watching without spending too long driving. We’ve arranged to return Sept 2017 but will finalise details closer to the time”.

We highly recommend a bird’s eye view of Paraguay with Oscar!.

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