Customer Testimonials

David Daniels

West Virginia, USA.
"The logistics of this trip were flawless. Oscar carefully planned an itinerary that would cover diverse ecoregions in a short period that helped to produce an impressive bird list"

“Oscar Rodriguez of Paraguay Birding and Nature organized a personal one-week birding trip for me, visiting the Humid Chaco, the Central Grasslands, the Atlantic Forest, and sections of the Cerrado. Despite the fact that this was a relatively short tour, we were able to visit most of Paraguay’s main ecoregions and saw an amazing variety of birds.

The logistics of this trip were flawless. Oscar carefully planned an itinerary that would cover diverse ecoregions in a short period that helped to produce an impressive bird list. The hotels chosen by Oscar were above average and were conveniently located near top birding areas.

Oscar is a terrific guide who knows the birds of Paraguay and the best places to see them. Due to his extensive contacts in the country, he has access to private reserves that are off limits to the general birder. And Oscar is a pleasant person to spend time with. He is very knowledgeable about all aspects of the natural world of Paraguay, its native peoples, and its history and culture.

Paraguay Birding and Nature sets the standard for birding in this fascinating country, and I would highly recommend them”

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