Customer Testimonials

Karen Carpenter

Dallas, Texas - USA.
"We would recommend him without a second thought, the trip far exceeded our expectations of this little known country."

We decided to visit Paraguay for some new birding and nature experiences.  Oscar was an excellent guide from the beginning of our planning to the end of our trip.  His personal attention to detail was evident from our initial contact via emails where he explained his programs and asked about our preferences.  This is no ordinary birding tour...only true nature lovers should apply!  Having a biologist along as a second guide and cook made our trip so much more interesting, allowing us to stay at rustic lodging options right in the regions closer to the birds.  Oscar is a true lover of nature, not merely a bridging guide.  It was a delight to spend a week watching him on his home turf, finding all the hard to find species based on his time in the field.  We would recommend him without a second thought.  The trip far exceeded our expectations of this little known country.

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