Customer Testimonials

Nicolas Lhullier

Travel Guide Writer & Business developer of Petit Fute. Paris, France.
"I was impressed by Oscar's experience and professionalism, Before I met Oscar, I didn't know much about birdwatching. In a few days, I discovered everything in the universe! Oscar knew how to transmit his passion to me".

Travel twice with Oscar Rodríguez in the Paraguayan Chaco, in summer and winter. This was a few years ago, I was writing a French travel guide about Paraguay. I was impressed by Oscar's experience and professionalism, and I made beautiful encounters like that of the unforgettable Ulf, one of the greatest insect specialists in South America. Two excursions of several days in the Chaco, well prepared, and with constant attention so that everything happens in the best conditions. I have learned a lot about the Paraguayan fauna and flora (we saw many animals like Ñandú, tatús, pécaris, snakes, puma tracks, and a lot of birds) and about the indigenous cultures and the way of life of the Mennonites. Before I met Oscar, I didn't know much about birdwatching. In a few days, I discovered everything in the universe! Oscar knew how to transmit his passion to me and I hope to return with him one day, to travel in the Pantanal. Therefore, I highly recommend turning to Paraguay Birding & Nature to discover the wild Paraguay, difficult to tackle and even dangerous without a good guide. The prices are up to the experience and the logistics (4x4 transport, rustic accommodation in the middle of nature, very good cuisine ...). Rigor in the organization - not evident in this Paraguay always full of unforeseen events - and a lot of coexistence in the development of these unforgettable trips. It is the agency that I would recommend for birdwatching in Paraguay and also for those who want to visit the most remote parts of the country.

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